Monday, March 28, 2011

Potomac 4.4+ and steady

Chasing Paul Harrison and Don Gallitz upstream on a Monday night with the level somewhere around 4.66, our goal was some surf time at Rocky. I stopped to try Clay's Revenge (little slot at the Corner Hole rocks), first time in a long time, then up Maryland Chute at what may be it's easiest level for mere mortals.

The challenge was at Wet Bottom. But I will anger the attaining gods by saying I found it relatively easy. Yes, it still takes strong work and yes, I was in my glass boat. But the ferry over from attainer's right was made easier by having the first eddy washed out. You go straight to the convergence of the two bits of current coming around the big center rock. If your ferry is good, you pop in before it gets too mingled...making it mostly a matter of strong, steady strokes to the top. A good ferry to the shore on attainer's left (VA) and you're free to go surf!

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