Wednesday, May 7, 2008

4.4 and falling

I was finally able to go out after being sick for a month. Hopped in the slalom boat for something different. Didn't really do alot, just getting used to being in a boat again. at this level the md chute river left attain wasn't too bad, I think I could've made it straight across from the top of the md chute wave eddy. I think I saw someone attain the chute on the attainers left of md chute...hmm The attains above md chute were doable as was the chute below md.
The standard elevator at center chute was fine, didnt try va.


John Munnell said...

Paddle on, dude...glad you're back! I'm boating vicariously at the moment, as it will still more more than two weeks before I can get on the water. So I'm anxious for all stories and tales!

Clay said...

you have to take a vicodin every time i say chute