Saturday, October 6, 2012

More O-Deck and Rocky info

More surfing and attaining info, this from Stro...yes, sometimes you do find him ABOVE the water. :-)

Having paddled on the potomac for decades, I've acquired a quiver of boats to keep me happy at just about every river level. I prefer long boats and I love me some Rocky and O-deck surfing and attaining. Here's my boat choice list.
10 - 4.4 Rave Sandy Beach to Anglers
4.8 - 3.9 Reflex2 or Cylon attain to rocky
4.5 - 3.8 Rave put in at fisherman's eddy
3.7 - 3.3 Sleek put in at fisherman's eddy
3.2 - 3.0 Cheta, Reflex2 or Cylon attainment levels
2.9 - 2.6 Whirld at Bermuda Triangle

Sleek is 9' 5", Cylon 13'2", Reflex 11' 2", Rave 11', Cheta 13' 6"
Sleek is ok at lower rocky levels (below 4.1) for 2nd, 3rd, 4th wave
I consider O-deck in around 3.9 and like something about 11' long or longer. 9 ft and 8.5 boats like the rpm, axiom, zen, speeder can start to stay on o-deck in the mid 3.7 and below.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

O-Deck levels

Not really an attaining topic, but this information from Robert Polleck should be of interest to those who only attain to get to the good surf spots. :-)

O-Deck is in from at least 3.4 to 3.8. Above 3.6 it is a challenge to jockey a playboat across the current without getting swept downstream and you will want something a bit longer to punch into the top wave.
Easiest access is probably from Fisherman's Eddy on the GF Virginia side. When you enter the park, take the hard right hand turn to go to the parking lots a little downstream. I really hate the climb down the VA side, but it's worth it. The ferry over from Fisherman's to the O-Deck waves on the Maryland side can be a little tough in shorter boats.

You can attain up from Sandy Beach with a carry at the appropriately named Portage. :-)